Ianuarie continuă să fie luna în care biletele de avion sunt la cele mai mici prețuri, cu reduceri de până la 60% față de restul anului. Destinații populare precum Milano, Londra și Paris pot fi vizitate la tarife extrem de avantajoase, cu oferte care încep de la doar 30 de euro.
The main idea of the text is that January is the best time to book cheap flights, with discounts of up to 60% compared to other months of the year.
The article cites data from a flight booking platform, Vola.ro, which confirms this trend based on their analysis of booking systems and Romanian travelers' flight reservations.
It also highlights some popular destinations like Milan, Paris, London, Leeds, and Malaga, which offer extremely low fares, starting from as little as 30 euros.
The main idea of the text is that January is the best time to book cheap flights, with discounts of up to 60% compared to other months of the year. The article cites data from a flight booking platform, Vola.ro, which confirms this trend based on their analysis of booking systems and Romanian travelers' flight reservations. It also highlights some popular destinations like Milan, Paris, London, Leeds, and Malaga, which offer extremely low fares, starting from as little as 30 euros.